Thursday 11 January 2018

Lorax Day 3

Today we did a review on what pollution is and how it can harm us. Then we looked at how we can help the planet.

Pollution in The Lorax
  • Water Pollution: All the Gluppity-Glupp and all the Schloppity-Schlopp made by the machinery is being dumped into the pond.
    • What happens to the fish when you put all of this pollution into the water?
    • Can you think of some other problems this might cause? ( No drinking water, no swimming)
  • Air Pollution: The smogulous smoke being put in the air by the Thneed factory made the Lorax cough, whiff, sneeze, snuffle, snarggle, sniffle, and croak. The Swomee-Swans were no longer able to sing! The Lorax had to send the birds away to find some cleaner air to live in.
    • Is air pollution only dangerous for birds?
    • Where are our lungs? How do they work?
    • How does breathing dirty air affect humans? (Breathing dirty air damages our lungs and makes us sick.)

Air Pollution
Water Pollution
  1. Created by humans
  2. Carbon Dioxide is one of the worst pollutants.
  3. Air Pollution is created by: Cars, Power plants and garbage.
  1. Polluted waters aren’t safe to drink or swim in and can cause illness.
  2. Humans can cause water pollution by:
    1. Throwing garbage in the water
    2. Leaks from factories
    3. Using a lot of water in the home without using environmentally friendly products. Laundry and Shampoo.

What can I do?

  • Recycle and use water more than once
  • Carpool with friends
  • Take the bus
  • Ride your bike
  • Cut down on energy use by turning off lights, unplugging appliances and electronics.
  • Finding ways to use less water. What are some examples of this?

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