Monday 28 May 2018

Community Helper: Veterinarian

Lets learn all about Veterinarians!

who can tell me:

What do they do?

Where do they work?

What equipment do they use?

What other helper has a very similar job?

Thursday 24 May 2018

Community Helper: Dentist

We are going to chat about Dentist

What does a dentist do?

Where do they work?

What equipment do they use?

Who can remember some of the equipment a dentist uses?

May 24th

1. Lit Circle Task Three - May 31st 
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Math finish questions for tomorrow
4. Music H.W. - Monday
5. Music Fingering Test May 29th, Playing Test June 5th
6. Work Signed- Math test, Lit Circle Task 1. 
7. Monday- Bring in a toy for Science with Explanation on type of energy being used. - You will present this

Have a Great Night

Mr. H

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Community Helper: Doctor

Today we are going to be talking all about doctors!

 Lets Brain Storm First.

 What do doctors do?

 Where do they work?

 What equipment do they use?

Who can name some of the equipment now?

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Different Types of Measurements

Over the next couple of days we will be looking at different types of measurement and how to apply them in our lives.

Community Helper- Teacher

Today we are going to learn all about Teachers!

Lets Brainstorm First:

What is a teachers job?

Where do they work?

What equipment do they use?

Why are they called a community helper?

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Community Helper- Mail Carrier

Today we are going to learn all about Mail Carriers!

Lets Brainstorm First:

What is a Mail Carriers job?

Where do they work?

What equipment do they use?

What information do we need to send a letter?
Hint! it is where you live and something you stick!

Lets learn about mail carriers :)

Tuesday 15 May 2018


Today in class we learnt that area is the amount of surface or space that something takes up we then used nonstandard units to measure it with the following chart.

Police Officer- Community Helper

Today we are going to learn all about Police Officers!

Lets Brainstorm First:

What is a Police Officers job?

Where do they work?

What equipment do they use?

Now let's watch and see of we were right!

Monday 14 May 2018

Community Helper- Fire Fighter

Today we are going to be learning all about Fire Fighters! Our first community helper. 

As we watch this video try and remember three things for me. 

1. What tools and equipment do they use?
2. Can you name two types of trucks?
3.  Who do they help?
3. What is their job in the community?
Bonus: what do fire fighters do in between fighting fires?

We will watch this video why you work!

Thursday 10 May 2018

Community Helpers

Let's see what the Bernstein Bears get up to and some of the possible community helpers that we have in our community!

Communities: Physical Features

Lets Review

What is an Urban Area?

What is a Rural Area?

What is a Suburban Area?

Now your job is to draw one of these three and label it to show how you know!

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Math today

In math today we started our non-standard measurement unit, here is some of the things in the room and what we got up to

Our Community, What is a Community?

Today we are going look at a community if the following book! what do you think it will be about?

Lets compare it to our own community what are some natural built places and what are some human made places? Lets list them on chart paper!

What are some differences between the two places where the girl lives?

Now lets think about Richmond Hill. What do we have in our own community? What do we like about it? Lets list some on the white board.

Monday 7 May 2018

From out Math Class

From our math class practicing word problems and making our own subtraction questions to solve. We have really been focusing an pulling out the important words so we know if the question is addition or subtraction!

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Community Helpers

Today we are going to starting learning about some community helpers. 

We will start by reading the following book. 

Now tell me:
What jobs might exists in our community?
What about our school?
Who brings our food?
Where does it come from?
Who cleans up our garbage from our parks?
What jobs are needed to help everyone in our community?