Wednesday 25 April 2018

Math From Today

Here are some shots from our interactive math lesson today. We Created fractions problems on the board before using snap cubes and ten frames to solve the problems. The students then finished up with their own work sheets before we took it up as a class.

Our Earth: The Globe

You started today by colouring in a globe all the land was green and the water was blue. How did you know what was water and what was land?

Lets learn a little more about or planet and the fancy map we call a globe!

Let's review! 

Word Bank: The Earth, Copy, North Pole, South Pole, Equator, North, South. 

Looking at a globe is like looking at _____________ from space!

A globe is a small ______________ of the earth. 

At the top of the globe is the ___________________

At the bottom of the globe is ____________________

The Line around the middle of the earth is called the ________________________ this is where the earth is hottest!

Above the equator is called the ___________________ hemisphere. 

Below the equator is called the ______________________ hemisphere. 

BONUS! Hemisphere means_____________________ a sphere. 

Sunday 22 April 2018

Math This Week

This week in math as well as our addition quiz we will be learning about subtraction. We will be doing some subtraction with manipulatives, using ten frames and with numbers up to 20. Here are some examples of what we will be looking at.

Friday 20 April 2018

Compass Rose

The Compass Rose shows directions on a map. It Shows North, South, East and West. 

You use the compass rose to tell if symbols on the map are North (up), South (down), East (Right) or West (left) of Each other, Lets do this one together!

Thursday 19 April 2018

Mapping Legend/Key

This is a Map Key. It tells what each symbol on a map stands for. In order to be a key it must have words and a picture. Sometimes keys are also called legends. 

Who can help me use this map key to label the map?

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Mapping: Directions

Today we looked at following directions to put our own symbols on a map.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Example Word Problems

Here are a few of the word problems we have been working on the last few days.  As always they are excepted to answer with pictures, numbers and words.

Monday 16 April 2018

Counting On

From our review lesson today on counting on.

Mapping: Symbols

Some of our work with Symbols today in class.

Busses Canceled

Busses canceled please be careful if you are coming to school today roads and sidewalks are quite icy, If you can not make it we will see you here tomorrow. Please be safe.


Sunday 15 April 2018

Math Extra Pratice

Here are the digital copies of some extra practice pages I will be sending home tomorrow. Just click on the title to download.

Math Quiz

On Friday we will be having a little math quiz on addition. The students will be expected to add up to 20 with no carrying needed. They will be given access to Number lines, showing counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.  A chart showing the numbers up to 20, and manipulatives if they need them.

Some strategies that we have been working on that that they can use during the quiz are
- Doubles Eg 5+5=10, 6+6=12, 8+8=14 Etc.
- One more one less Eg 5+4=9, 5+6=11, 6+7=13 etc.
- Counting on Eg. 7+8 I know I have 7 so I then add 8 more by counting one at a time seven plus one is 9, seven plus 2 is ten etc. Until I get to 15.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Modeling additon

Here are some of the different ways we have been using our manipulative to model our addition to 21 in class.

Mapping: Location

Today in class we worked on some Mapping with a focus on location. Here is some of what we looked at. Sorry about the rotation issues.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Mapping: Titles

A title is the name of a book or piece of work.

What title could go with each of the following pictures?

What is the Job of a Map?

Does it tell you where something is?     Yes or No

How to get somewhere?                        Yes or No

What something looks like?                  Yes or No

Maps Have Many Features!

Maps have titles they tell you the map that you are looking at.




Your Job:

Make a map of this class and tell me how to get from the door to my desk!

Tuesday 10 April 2018

How to ID Birds

How to Id Birds

So you want to know what birds you are seeing? But aren't sure how to do that? Here are some tips and tricks.

  1. Size: Start by looking at how big the bird is. Is it tiny, tiny or really large? This will help you get to know what type of bird you are looking at.
2. Shape: Look at the birds wings, beak and feet if you can, what shape are they? What does this tell you about the bird?

3. Location: Where is the bird: In the water? At a feeder? Going up and down a tree? On the ground? These locations will help you figure out what type of bird you might be looking at.
4. Colour: What colour is the bird? Does it have more then one colour? Could it be a male or a female bird? Also look at the time of year because birds can be different colours at different times of year.