Tuesday 27 March 2018

Science Update

In science we are coming to the end of our unit on energy and will be done by the end of the first week in April.  So far we have covered Solar Energy, Water energy, Wind Energy, Electric Energy, where it comes from, how we make it, how we use it and how to save it as well as gas energy. We are spending the next few days looking at Renewable Energy Vs Non Renewable Energy and will also be looking at how we humans get and use our energy.   

Math update

Sorry I have not posted in a while. My phone has gone down and I had to get another device to take pictures and upload with on the school network. In math we have been working on various addition strategies. We have done adding zeros, what is an addition sentence, adding with manipulatives and numbers lines as well as adding doubles and doubles plus one. Here is a sample of some of the work we have been doing the last few days.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Math Update

Here is some of the math we have been working on the last few days. We have started addition and are working on making sentences and adding ones and zeros.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Math Update

Over the last few days in math we have been working

to make and name 3D shapes as well as make our own 2D shape robot.

Friday 2 March 2018

Math and Science

Here are some pictures from out math and science classes the last few days. We have been making circuits and reminding ourselves about all the corners, faces and edges of our 3D shapes.