Tuesday 27 February 2018

Learning Buddies

From our awesome impromptu learning buddies math class today!

Monday 26 February 2018

Science: Electricity Hunt

Today we finished  our scavenger hunt and talked about electricity rules at home. Sent home with the students are some of the rules we discussed.

Math: Problem sovling

Today in math we worked on how to solve this problem using hands on shapes and then recording on our math pages what we did.

Friday 23 February 2018

Math today

We have been working on finding the difference between edges, vertices and faces in math. Here is one of the sheets we used today and our updated math wall.

Have a Great Weekend

-Mr. H

Thursday 22 February 2018

Sci Today

Today in sci we looked at different signs of energy around the school and will be finishing up our elec scavenger hunt tomorrow.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Sci: Energy

In science we have continued to look at what energy is and where it comes from. exploring who uses it and how we use different types of energy everyday!

Math Geometry Exploration From Today

In Geometry we have been looking at how to arrange 2D shapes to make new a different shapes

Math exploration Keys

In math today we used some of our math skills to make 3d and 2 keys using squares as faces.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Introduction to Electrical Energy

How We Know Something Uses Electrical Energy

Three Key Features:




Use this sheet to search the room for things that run on electricity

What uses Electrical Energy in our Classroom?


Location (where it is in the room)
What I see that shows me it uses electrical energy (picture)
Pencil Sharpener  
Beside the sink

Friday 9 February 2018

Wind Enegry

Today we looked at how wind energy works and made our own wind turbine! Keep and eye out for it coming home.

Symmetry 2

Today we practiced what we know about symmetry by identifying lines of symmetry and  creating our own symmetrical shapes.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Symmetry 1

Today was our first day learning about what symmetry is and where we can find it.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Solar Energy

Today we looked at Solar energy and how it is the source of energy we use everyday!

Finding 3D Shapes

Today we looked at where we can find 3D shapes in our daily lives! we compared shapes to what we might find in our cupboards at home and then wrote down some of our findings as well as used our visual memory.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

3D Shapes

This week in math we are looking at 3D shapes. Yesterday we learnt all about Corners, Faces, Edges, and 2D shapes found in 3D shapes. Today we are practicing our knowledge of them.

Monday 5 February 2018

Intro to Enegry

We are now starting our energy unit in science! Today we talked about what energy was as well as listed some types of energy. 

Friday 2 February 2018

Science and Social Studies update.

The last few days in class we have been working hard on our timelines and Habitats. The last few will be coming home on Monday. I will also be sending home marks for Science, Social Studies and Math on Friday. Have a great weekend!

Mr. H

Here are some work samples