Wednesday 20 December 2017

Patterning: Growing Patterns

Today in class we looked at growing patterns! The students had a lot of fun making their own out of blocks!

Monday 18 December 2017

Patterning: Size

Today in class we looked at size for patterns.

Holiday Week

For the last week before break we are going to spend our days learning about different Holidays for different cultures at this time of year.

Each day we will read and watch a video about a different celebration and talk about why it happens and who celebrates it.

 We will then finish by having a holiday celebration on the last day before break.

Mr. H

Thursday 14 December 2017

Patterning: Shapes

Today in class we looked at shape patterns! The students had to continue my pattern and then make their own out of the math shapes we have in the room.

Habitat Day #4

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat. 

Who can remind me what is a Habitat? What does it need (Food, Water, Shelter Air)

Today we are looking at Water Habitats. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Patterning: Colour Patterns

Today in class we looked at how to make colour patterns! The students had to fill in the following page and then make their very own colour pattern on the back.

Habitat Day #3

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat. 

Who can remind me what is a Habitat? What does it need (Food, Water, Shelter Air)

Today we are looking at Forest Habitats. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Tuesday 12 December 2017


Today we started looking at patterns in class. We started by talking about what makes a pattern and how we can tell patterns apart. Here is one of the elements we talked about.

Habitat Day # 2

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat. 

Who can remind me what is a Habitat? What does it need (Food, Water, Shelter Air)

Today we are looking at desert Habitats. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Monday 11 December 2017

Habitat Week: Day 1

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat.

Who has a guess for what a habitat is?

The first one we are looking at is the Arctic Habitat. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Place Value Games

Over the next two days we will be playing a variety of place value games in order to practice for our place value quiz on Monday.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Place Value in Words.

Today we looked at how to take words and turn them into our tens and ones. And turn our numbers into words as well.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Place Value: What is each number

Today in class we looked at place value and what each digit represents when reading a number. The students had to look at a number and identify the under lined digit for its full value.

Monday 4 December 2017

Place Value: Adding it all up

Today in math class we looked at place value and how we can use base tens and ones added together to make a final number.

Family Tree

This week in social studies we are going to be making our own family tree!

Our family tree is going to include: Mom, Dad, Brother and Sisters, Grandma and Grandpa, and any Ants Uncles or Cousins we can remember.

Friday 1 December 2017

Drawing Place Value

Today we worked on drawing out the correct number of place value blocks in base tens and ones for the numbers we were reading.

Animals Move!

Today we are looking at how animals move!

I am going to name an animal and you will show me how it moves!

What are the four ways animals move again?

Now show me in your science work book!