Thursday 19 October 2017

Cause and Effect.

Today in class we are looking at how what we do can effect others. 

 A Cause: Why something happens, What we do.

An Effect is what happens because of what you do.

Example: If you make fun of someone they won't want to play with you.

We then looked at our books and labeled our causes and effects for social studies!

Math Oct 19th

Today in class we looked at adding different numbers to get the same answer by putting people up and down on our bus. This strategy is called compensation and will help no matter the size of the numbers you are adding.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Social Studies

Today we learned how to use a Venn diagram to compare different things. We compared our rules at school and our rules at home to see what was the same and what was different.

Sci: Quiz Day

Today in science we did our quiz on the human body and its organs everyone did a very good job of labeling and explaining what all the different body parts and organs were used for. 

Monday 16 October 2017

Math: October 16th

As a class we have started a 10 day discovery math problem where we are looking at groups of numbers counting by 5's, 2,s and 10. Here is a sample of the book we are using and how we are looking at numbers.

Over the next ten days we will be moving numbers up and down on the bus, grouping and re-grouping them learning different strategies of how to add and using special tools to help us do so.

Here is an example lesson of the sort of learning we will be doing.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Math: Number Lines

Today we looked at number lines in class and how they can help us count and place numbers in order. 

Here is a link to the questions we answered as a class. Number Line Questions

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Counting Back From 20

Today in class we looked at how to count backwards from 20 to Zero! We noticed that we we count up numbers get bigger and when we count down numbers get smaller.

We practiced as a class each with a different number counting down.

Then we all had our own work sheet and showed Mr. Hussey all the cool work we can do!

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Math: Numbers words a pictures

Today in class we matched numbers words a pictures! we practiced spelling our number words and drawing the right amount of shapes with each word before finishing up with a fun word search!

Monday 9 October 2017

Sci: Parts of a Plant

As an introduction to plants we are going to spend some time today on Brain Pop Jr.

Our class username is mcwoodside

our password is school.

We are going to watch the video first and take the quiz and then you will get some time to explore!

Thursday 5 October 2017

Math: Word Problems

We are working the next two days to see how many feet are in the class and then prove this using pictures numbers and words!

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Math: Patrice Counting by 2's

Today we counted all of ours eyes and made a board game where we helped the school bus get to school. We are really getting the hang of counting by 2's!

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Sci: Parts of the body

Today we are looking at parts of the body and how we use them!

Math: Count by 2's

Today we really focused on our counting by 2's! We started counting every other person on the carpet as high as we could go!

Then we filled in our own number chart to see who could count by 2 all the way to 100!

Monday 2 October 2017

Sci: Parts of my Body

Today we reminded ourselves what all plants and animals need in order to be alive: Air, Water, Food, To Grow, To Make Waste.

Then we finished up looking at the parts of our body

Body Parts Smart Board Activity

Counting by 5's Bead Number Train

Today all the grade one's got to make their very own Number Line to 100! Their job was to make beads into groups of 5 and count all the way to 100. Then I got them to show me groups of 5. I was very impressed with how we all did :)