Wednesday 27 September 2017

Difference Maker

Examples of Difference Makers
1. Dads and Moms
3. Sisters and Brothers
4. Teacher
6. Dog or Pet

How they help. 
2. Look after you
3. Read with you
4. Help lots of people!
5.Listen to you. 
6. Want to make the world a better place. 

How I Can Help
1. Listen to them
2. Help the planet Recycle, Green Bin, Garbage
3. Teach others
4. Play with everyone
5.Help my parents make my food
6. Help them clean up
7. Tell my parents to wear a seat belt.

Friday 22 September 2017

Friday: Center Math Day

Using a variety of centers we practiced counting forwards and back words from ten!

  1. Take turns around your table group matching numbers to dot cards. The rest of your group checks for you.  (dot cards and numbers)
  2. Counting to ten penny jar. One member in the group drops coins one at a time the others do heads down with no peaking. They stop between 1 and ten the groups tells you how many were dropped.
  3. Each person counts out ten blocks. You take turns rolling the number cube (die) the number that comes up you put into the bin. You want to see how many roles it takes for your group to both fill and empty the bin.
  4. You pull out a number from the bin. Your group then finds that number of the same thing in the classroom.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Sci: Living Things

All living things need 4 things to survive!

1. Air
2. Water
3. Movement 
4. Grow

Lets see what is living and nonliving!

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Wednesday Math: Pictures Numbers and Words

Today we worked in class to match different objects that we were given and found with the correct Pictures, Numbers and Words.

Sci: Parts of the body.

Today we are going to learn all about the human body and make our very own pasta body!

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Tuesday Math!

Today in math we practiced counting to ten and grouping objects that were like one another.  Here is how we got our minds going and thinking about similar groups!

Monday 18 September 2017

Coming of fall: Social Studies Monday

Today in class we discussed the coming of fall, looked at some things that we do during it and read a fun book!

The students then filled in the following page:

Monday Math!

Today in class we looked at the hundreds table to see if we as a class could count to 100!

We then filled in our very own hundreds chart. 

we also practiced counting by 2's and 5's ! It was a busy day in math class :)

Sunday 10 September 2017

Social Studies: Individual

Today we are learning about what it means to be an individual! Have you heard that word before? What makes you who you are?

Using our survey page we are now going to look at who is like us in the class!

Week of Inspirational Math: Day 1

Thursday 7 September 2017

Todo Sept 7th

Today we spent the day working on a bobble head for our classroom! I can't wait until you can all see them on meet the teacher day :) The students all worked very hard.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Todo Sept 6th

We will be starting our get to know me bags next week today we spent some time making class rules and learning all about each other! I am excited to see what I learn tomorrow from all of you :)

Please get your forms filled in.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Thank You!

Thank you for the amazing first day! :) It was great to get to know all of you today and I am excited to spend the year with you !😀😀😀😀😀😀