Wednesday 20 December 2017

Patterning: Growing Patterns

Today in class we looked at growing patterns! The students had a lot of fun making their own out of blocks!

Monday 18 December 2017

Patterning: Size

Today in class we looked at size for patterns.

Holiday Week

For the last week before break we are going to spend our days learning about different Holidays for different cultures at this time of year.

Each day we will read and watch a video about a different celebration and talk about why it happens and who celebrates it.

 We will then finish by having a holiday celebration on the last day before break.

Mr. H

Thursday 14 December 2017

Patterning: Shapes

Today in class we looked at shape patterns! The students had to continue my pattern and then make their own out of the math shapes we have in the room.

Habitat Day #4

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat. 

Who can remind me what is a Habitat? What does it need (Food, Water, Shelter Air)

Today we are looking at Water Habitats. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Patterning: Colour Patterns

Today in class we looked at how to make colour patterns! The students had to fill in the following page and then make their very own colour pattern on the back.

Habitat Day #3

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat. 

Who can remind me what is a Habitat? What does it need (Food, Water, Shelter Air)

Today we are looking at Forest Habitats. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Tuesday 12 December 2017


Today we started looking at patterns in class. We started by talking about what makes a pattern and how we can tell patterns apart. Here is one of the elements we talked about.

Habitat Day # 2

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat. 

Who can remind me what is a Habitat? What does it need (Food, Water, Shelter Air)

Today we are looking at desert Habitats. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Monday 11 December 2017

Habitat Week: Day 1

Each Day this week we are going to read a book about and learn about a different type of habitat.

Who has a guess for what a habitat is?

The first one we are looking at is the Arctic Habitat. Lets read about it.....

Now we can explore on Brain Pop Jr.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Place Value Games

Over the next two days we will be playing a variety of place value games in order to practice for our place value quiz on Monday.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Place Value in Words.

Today we looked at how to take words and turn them into our tens and ones. And turn our numbers into words as well.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Place Value: What is each number

Today in class we looked at place value and what each digit represents when reading a number. The students had to look at a number and identify the under lined digit for its full value.

Monday 4 December 2017

Place Value: Adding it all up

Today in math class we looked at place value and how we can use base tens and ones added together to make a final number.

Family Tree

This week in social studies we are going to be making our own family tree!

Our family tree is going to include: Mom, Dad, Brother and Sisters, Grandma and Grandpa, and any Ants Uncles or Cousins we can remember.

Friday 1 December 2017

Drawing Place Value

Today we worked on drawing out the correct number of place value blocks in base tens and ones for the numbers we were reading.

Animals Move!

Today we are looking at how animals move!

I am going to name an animal and you will show me how it moves!

What are the four ways animals move again?

Now show me in your science work book!

Thursday 30 November 2017

Place Value: Colours

After Practicing our writing out the number we then switched and use the number to find the right amount of tens and ones. We drew them on the white board before heading back to our desks and drawing them ourselves.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Comparing Needs- Living vs Non Living

What is the difference Between a living and non living thing? Who can remember what a living thing needs?

Who can name some other non living things? Now you can show me whats Living and Non Living in your science booklet!

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Place Value

Today in place value we are looking at numbers bigger then 19 and seeing how we would make them using groups of tens and ones.

After our lesson we did some work pages the looked like this:

Science- The Basic Needs of Living Things.

All Living things need four things in order to survive.

Air, Water, Food and Shelter.

Now who can name some living things?

Friday 17 November 2017

Parent Roles and Responsibilities

Today you are going to be making predictions about what your parents do at home to help you everyday. Then you are going to go home and interview them and find out what they really do!

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Rights and Responsibilities

Today we are learning about rights and responsibilities!

A right is: Something that everyone deserves not matter what!

A responsibility is: These are things that someone is in charge of doing.

Lets brainstorm some!

Taking Responsibility

Monday 13 November 2017

Friday 10 November 2017

Math over the last week.

Here is a look at what we have been doing in math over the last week.

Our Pictographs

1. Question: Do you like school?

Tells us: 
Who in our class likes school. 

13 people like school. 

7 people don't like school. 

More people like school then don't like school. 

Thursday 9 November 2017

Remembrance Day: What peace Is to me

Today we are going to discuss remembrance day and do an activity to show what peace is to you.

Wednesday 8 November 2017


Today in class we are learning all about Photosynthesis! Lets look at this link Photosynthesis and learn what it is all about!

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Halloween Safety Rules

The past few days in class we have been going over safety rules for Halloween as part of our social studies learning.

Today in class we filled in our own safety booklet on Halloween!

Thursday 19 October 2017

Cause and Effect.

Today in class we are looking at how what we do can effect others. 

 A Cause: Why something happens, What we do.

An Effect is what happens because of what you do.

Example: If you make fun of someone they won't want to play with you.

We then looked at our books and labeled our causes and effects for social studies!

Math Oct 19th

Today in class we looked at adding different numbers to get the same answer by putting people up and down on our bus. This strategy is called compensation and will help no matter the size of the numbers you are adding.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Social Studies

Today we learned how to use a Venn diagram to compare different things. We compared our rules at school and our rules at home to see what was the same and what was different.

Sci: Quiz Day

Today in science we did our quiz on the human body and its organs everyone did a very good job of labeling and explaining what all the different body parts and organs were used for. 

Monday 16 October 2017

Math: October 16th

As a class we have started a 10 day discovery math problem where we are looking at groups of numbers counting by 5's, 2,s and 10. Here is a sample of the book we are using and how we are looking at numbers.

Over the next ten days we will be moving numbers up and down on the bus, grouping and re-grouping them learning different strategies of how to add and using special tools to help us do so.

Here is an example lesson of the sort of learning we will be doing.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Math: Number Lines

Today we looked at number lines in class and how they can help us count and place numbers in order. 

Here is a link to the questions we answered as a class. Number Line Questions

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Counting Back From 20

Today in class we looked at how to count backwards from 20 to Zero! We noticed that we we count up numbers get bigger and when we count down numbers get smaller.

We practiced as a class each with a different number counting down.

Then we all had our own work sheet and showed Mr. Hussey all the cool work we can do!

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Math: Numbers words a pictures

Today in class we matched numbers words a pictures! we practiced spelling our number words and drawing the right amount of shapes with each word before finishing up with a fun word search!

Monday 9 October 2017

Sci: Parts of a Plant

As an introduction to plants we are going to spend some time today on Brain Pop Jr.

Our class username is mcwoodside

our password is school.

We are going to watch the video first and take the quiz and then you will get some time to explore!

Thursday 5 October 2017

Math: Word Problems

We are working the next two days to see how many feet are in the class and then prove this using pictures numbers and words!

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Math: Patrice Counting by 2's

Today we counted all of ours eyes and made a board game where we helped the school bus get to school. We are really getting the hang of counting by 2's!

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Sci: Parts of the body

Today we are looking at parts of the body and how we use them!

Math: Count by 2's

Today we really focused on our counting by 2's! We started counting every other person on the carpet as high as we could go!

Then we filled in our own number chart to see who could count by 2 all the way to 100!

Monday 2 October 2017

Sci: Parts of my Body

Today we reminded ourselves what all plants and animals need in order to be alive: Air, Water, Food, To Grow, To Make Waste.

Then we finished up looking at the parts of our body

Body Parts Smart Board Activity

Counting by 5's Bead Number Train

Today all the grade one's got to make their very own Number Line to 100! Their job was to make beads into groups of 5 and count all the way to 100. Then I got them to show me groups of 5. I was very impressed with how we all did :)

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Difference Maker

Examples of Difference Makers
1. Dads and Moms
3. Sisters and Brothers
4. Teacher
6. Dog or Pet

How they help. 
2. Look after you
3. Read with you
4. Help lots of people!
5.Listen to you. 
6. Want to make the world a better place. 

How I Can Help
1. Listen to them
2. Help the planet Recycle, Green Bin, Garbage
3. Teach others
4. Play with everyone
5.Help my parents make my food
6. Help them clean up
7. Tell my parents to wear a seat belt.

Friday 22 September 2017

Friday: Center Math Day

Using a variety of centers we practiced counting forwards and back words from ten!

  1. Take turns around your table group matching numbers to dot cards. The rest of your group checks for you.  (dot cards and numbers)
  2. Counting to ten penny jar. One member in the group drops coins one at a time the others do heads down with no peaking. They stop between 1 and ten the groups tells you how many were dropped.
  3. Each person counts out ten blocks. You take turns rolling the number cube (die) the number that comes up you put into the bin. You want to see how many roles it takes for your group to both fill and empty the bin.
  4. You pull out a number from the bin. Your group then finds that number of the same thing in the classroom.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Sci: Living Things

All living things need 4 things to survive!

1. Air
2. Water
3. Movement 
4. Grow

Lets see what is living and nonliving!

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Wednesday Math: Pictures Numbers and Words

Today we worked in class to match different objects that we were given and found with the correct Pictures, Numbers and Words.

Sci: Parts of the body.

Today we are going to learn all about the human body and make our very own pasta body!

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Tuesday Math!

Today in math we practiced counting to ten and grouping objects that were like one another.  Here is how we got our minds going and thinking about similar groups!

Monday 18 September 2017

Coming of fall: Social Studies Monday

Today in class we discussed the coming of fall, looked at some things that we do during it and read a fun book!

The students then filled in the following page:

Monday Math!

Today in class we looked at the hundreds table to see if we as a class could count to 100!

We then filled in our very own hundreds chart. 

we also practiced counting by 2's and 5's ! It was a busy day in math class :)

Sunday 10 September 2017

Social Studies: Individual

Today we are learning about what it means to be an individual! Have you heard that word before? What makes you who you are?

Using our survey page we are now going to look at who is like us in the class!

Week of Inspirational Math: Day 1

Thursday 7 September 2017

Todo Sept 7th

Today we spent the day working on a bobble head for our classroom! I can't wait until you can all see them on meet the teacher day :) The students all worked very hard.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Todo Sept 6th

We will be starting our get to know me bags next week today we spent some time making class rules and learning all about each other! I am excited to see what I learn tomorrow from all of you :)

Please get your forms filled in.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Thank You!

Thank you for the amazing first day! :) It was great to get to know all of you today and I am excited to spend the year with you !😀😀😀😀😀😀

Friday 25 August 2017

First Day Check List

  • timetables
  • homework/agendas
  • Blog- Checking it Sharing it with your parents etc. 
  • Lunch routines
  • Entry/Exit/Fire Procedures
  • Questions/concerns
  • get to know you's
  • Welcome Back! :)

    Welcome Back!

    I am excited to work with all of you and to be back at Moraine Hills! This year I will be teaching Grade 4/5 in the morning and Grade 1 in the afternoon. This past summer was a different one for me, normally I spend my summers outside hiking, canoeing, gardening, and training for obstacle course races or CrossFit Competitions. Due however to a hip injury and pec tear I had to spend a good amount of my summer resting a relaxing. This allowed me to focus more on coaching others and get a head start on my year long obsession with reading. I was able to read "Haunted", "What If", "Shi-shi-etko" and "Becoming a Supple Leopard" among others.  

    Since I will be learning about you I thought it would be only fair if you learn something about me.  I was born in Nobleton and have spent 24 of my 26 years living there. I am the youngest of two  children having only an older sister.  As a child  my largest influences were nature,  Batman,  I currently own over 100 Batman graphic novels, and of course sports. My biggest influence during my teenage years were my experiences at camp. From working at a summer camp, I discovered I wanted to be a teacher and I loved spending time in the great outdoors. Most of my down time right now is either spent learning all I can about being a teacher or working on my hip recovery so I can get back to Crossfit and all the sports I love.

    For me nothing beats hard work whether in the classroom, the gym or anything you are interested in I am always looking for your best effort, Lets make the next 200 days great!